Faculty of Agricultural Technology of the Andalas University Joining the JST Sakura Science Plan “Bio system Engineering Contributing to SDGs”

05 Desember 2019

With the support of JST “Sakura Science Plan”, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University, Indonesia joined the science and technology session with the theme of “Biosystem Engineering Contributing to SDGs”. The activity was held for 8 days from November 17 to 24, 2019. This science plan gathers professors and students from all of Asia. This time, it was led by three faculty members: Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University, Indonesia (Assoc. Prof. Muhammad MAKKY); Rufna University, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (Assist. Prof. JINENDRA); and Department of Agricultural Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (Prof. Y ARIS Purwanto); A total of 12 member participated, including three professors and nine students. The students participants from Andalas University are Ms. Melidawati STP., Ms Wahyu Kamilatul Fauziah STP., and Juan Thomas Dachi. The students came from the master and undergraduate program of the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University.

Participants were divided into four groups: Plant Factory (Prof. Hiromichi ITO), Mechanical Weeding of Paddy Field (Assoc. Prof. Koichi SHOJI), Livestock Wastewater Purification (Assoc. Prof. Kazutaka IHARA) and Food Quality Evaluation (Assist. Prof. Shinichiro KUROKI). Technical training was held, and each group presented their training results on the last day of the program. Participating students from Andalas University and Kobe University were able to provide effective experimental assistance because of their improved communication skills with overseas students. During the limited training period, each group had a high level of presentation content, with each group's objectives, methods, results and considerations being accurately compiled. Finally, a certificate of completion was awarded to each participant to complete the program.

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